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JC Kocjancic

JC Kocjancic

JC Kocjancic, chief operations officer, provides oversight of Cubbison Company’s engineering and manufacturing activities. Though clients rarely sit face-to-face with JC, their satisfaction is directly related to his expertise and dedication to quality and excellence.

Recent Posts by JC Kocjancic:

by JC Kocjancic, on Oct 1, 2024 12:04:26 PM

The Power of Variable Data In today's fast-paced industrial world, the ability to track, identify, and manage assets efficiently is crucial. Also, product traceability is an increasingly common mandate in …

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Topics:nameplates, labels, overlays

by JC Kocjancic, on Aug 13, 2024 12:56:47 PM

As we continue our facility improvement journey at Cubbison, we're excited to announce the next phase of our project: a complete renovation of our parking lot. This upgrade goes beyond …

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by JC Kocjancic, on Jul 24, 2024 10:30:55 AM

We're continuing our commitment to creating a superior work environment with the next phase of our facility improvement project. Following our exterior renovations, we're excited to announce a comprehensive upgrade …

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by JC Kocjancic, on Jul 11, 2024 4:22:46 PM

We at Cubbison are excited to announce the launch of a comprehensive facility improvement project. This series of updates will not only enhance our manufacturing capabilities but also demonstrate our …

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by JC Kocjancic, on Feb 24, 2024 1:33:39 PM

When it’s time to replace or install new equipment in harsh industrial environments, don’t overlook what might seem like a small detail: Substrates that will deliver the most durable and …

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by JC Kocjancic, on Jan 4, 2024 6:29:59 AM

Aluminum offers a unique blend of benefits for manufactured metal nameplates and other industrial applications. In general, it is a relatively light metal, with a strong resistance to heat and …

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Topics:nameplates, labels, overlaysmetalssubstrates

by JC Kocjancic, on Oct 24, 2023 2:05:12 PM

Stainless steel is a remarkable material known for its durability, corrosion resistance, and adaptability. This unique property combo makes it a common choice for industrial applications. Here is a closer …

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Topics:nameplatesdesign servicesmetalssubstrates

by JC Kocjancic, on Jun 2, 2023 5:58:54 PM

Our clients share the same questions when designing and manufacturing industrial nameplates and other metal-substrate products. Can you deliver intricate cuts or the detailed markings and logos we require? How …

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by JC Kocjancic, on Jan 9, 2023 10:31:24 AM

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. ---- Colin Powell The following interview with The Cubbison Company’s CEO Tim …

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Topics:flexible electronicsnew technologiesdesign servicesprocessprinted electronicsnameplates, labels, overlays

by JC Kocjancic, on Dec 20, 2022 4:23:42 PM

The logic is simple: Automation improves efficiency; efficiency drives down costs; and reduced costs benefit your bottom line. So, what is your manufacturing partner doing to automate? If you are …

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Topics:new technologiesleadtime and deliveryprocessdigital printing